Tuesday, September 13, 2011

stitch . knit . cockadoodledoo


Finally! back from the massive hiatus I had to take, graduation, job hunting and a myriad of life's other little demands stole me away and left my little corner(s) of the internet neglected.

Where should I start... hmmm... I finally finished the bunny rug I've been working on, and its all ready for a friend's baby shower this Saturday!
I'm really pleased with how it turned out... that was until the trouble I had with the binding *sigh* oh well, I'll just have to keep practising till I get it perfect :)

In other news I've finished knitting a pair of baby booties... I just did them out of some 'practice' wool and on needles a fraction bigger than those suggested in the pattern, but they still look cute. I'll probably take some pics of 'em later. I'm so grateful that the pattern was 'the idiots' version otherwise I'd probably be as stumped as I am most of the time with knitting patterns, since I have to be self-taught. But I'm hoping to use my new found skill at knitting a pretty mean garter stitch to make some booties for cousins and friends who are expecting. Hopefully I'll get round to these projects, since they don't seem to take up too much time and they're something I can work on whilst watching telly. ;)

Queenie... the rooster

I had to get rid of my chicken, Queenie... because she turned out to be a he and the crowing was sure to ruffle the neighbours' feathers :D So he was sent to a big farm out of state where he can run around and herd hens to his heart's content - seriously - the farm is real!

At least we still have the other three. I love how much more trusting and friendly they are since Queenie left though.