Sunday, March 6, 2011



I spent today creating a pot-holder from some random fabrics in my sister's stash. It features my first attempt at binding; which is only a little wobbly around the back, so I'm thinking its not too bad :D

I've also been working on the prototype of a sewing pattern, just to see if what was in my head could be realised in fabrics... so far, so good. I'll be building a second prototype later, featuring padding and quilted panels to get more of an idea. I was wanting to find a free pattern for a sewn Easter basket; however, after searching online, all I could find were a few pictures of what I was thinking of and a small number of etsy stores selling made versions. So (after way too much 'How I Met Your Mother') I thought "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!" and began work on my own Easter Basket.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I Want to DIY

polka dot folder

I love covering folders that I need to use, so that they're unique and... well... me :D Anyway, I used an awesome bright red & white polka dot fabric and some batting to cover this folder.

I wanted to cut down on the magazines I've acquired so I've complied the saved pages into sections: recipes, craft/diy, gardening and inspiration. I still have about 15 magazines to sort through and then I will have regained a pile of shelf space - yay! I've enjoyed seeing how clean the shelves look, even at this point.

In recent news, last night some friends of mine & I went to see 'Gnomeo & Juliet' - it was alright (not like 'Tangled' which I wanted to see again as soon as the credits had finished rolling) but it was an enjoyable evening :)

Also, I'm graduating (prayerfully in March) - yayayayayayayayayayayayay! sooooo excited :D