Thursday, November 4, 2010

so little time

softies for mirabel promotional material

I have been slamming out my assignments this week like some kind of demented machine on the verge of malfunctioning. Each night I sit hunched in front of my computer clicking and tapping before crawling into bed to the malicious chirping of birds. Well, at least I've managed to be productive; yesterday I finished 3 assignments, including one which required me to sew a replica of the toy I'd submitted the day before in order to take photos to put in my portfolio (see square bear above). And of course Murphy's Law strikes true again with this little guy looking a thousand times better than the one I actually ended up submitting. Anyway, I was just so pleased that he gets to feature on the graduating website, even though he missed out on the exhibition book and poster.

Oh I should probably take this space to plug Softies for Mirabel whom he was created to promote. Since we have so many self-directed pieces, sometimes the structure of doing a set brief really helps; and when I stumbled across the suggestion to make a promotional flyer on Meet Me At Mikes I was just swept away with the creative possibility of an actual softie being the poster and the idea of informational vintage inspired swing tags that people could take home and use as inspiration. Of course I know that my idea is in no way realistic, but the aim of the game is to produce a single piece of work that will result in an HD grade, not necessarily a viable marketing tool. Anywho, I was vainly proud of the quality of the piece, I love it when I can look at something and be amazed that it was actually me who made it; then I don't feel like I'm just a phoney somehow sneaking their way through the degree. eh, I babble.

I'll definitely be posting a link to my class' graduating exhibition website once its all online... I just can't believe that the end is almost here, I can still remember first year tutes like they were only yesterday (and not 4 years ago). And now here I am, watching all my friends get jobs in the industry and put together killer portfolios whilst I sit up to the wee hours of the morning flicking through hundreds of photos and dismiss each one as not good enough to grace my portfolio which doesn't even exist.

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